Water No Get Enemy

Water No Get Enemy

“Live in harmony with nature, and you will live longer and wiser. Be as inevitable and indispensable as water, because water..... “WATER NO GET ENEMY” - Fela Kuti. Due to the impact of climate change, rising sea levels, increased rainfall and flooding are becoming a day-to-day reality for people in Lagos. The proposal embraces this inevitable future. Envisioning a new form of urbanism that enhances a symbiotic relationship between man and water. Sustainability is at the core of the project and so the proposal is completely off grid. Metabolic flow is developed in a new, integrated perspective in which economy, ecology and spatial diversification are coupled to architecture, nature and landscape.
Voen Foundation, Locus Metis

Water No Get Enemy

Winner, City of Water Competition. Organised by Voen Foundation, Nigeria.

“Live in harmony with nature, and you will live longer and wiser. Be as inevitable and indispensable as water, because water..... “WATER NO GET ENEMY” - Fela Kuti. Due to the impact of climate change, rising sea levels, increased rainfall and flooding are becoming a day-to-day reality for people in Lagos. The proposal embraces this inevitable future. Envisioning a new form of urbanism that enhances a symbiotic relationship between man and water. Sustainability is at the core of the project and so the proposal is completely off grid. Metabolic flow is developed in a new, integrated perspective in which economy, ecology and spatial diversification are coupled to architecture, nature and landscape.

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Water No Get Enemy