

Ukuaji More than a home: It is a framework for growth. The aim of the project is to allow the Jorejick family the ability to set themselves on the equity ladder. By supplying nearly a quarter of the budget to sustainable technology such as solar water pumps the family will be able to double their agricultural yield within a cyclical year and therefore their income will double. This alongside an already strong local Pay-go solar incentive scheme, biodigester, circular system of aquaponics talapia farming and Reed's would filter water and create new forms of protein with excess being able to be sold locally. Alongside all these systems a system of educational tools would be afforded to the family so as to constantly be able to upskill themselves with the easy to use systems. This is just one of the ways the project aims to supply education, infrastructure and capital over time to the family. In collaboration with the hugely talented Studio8fold
Studio8Fold, Locus Metis


Jorejick Family home competition.

Ukuaji More than a home: It is a framework for growth. The aim of the project is to allow the Jorejick family the ability to set themselves on the equity ladder. By supplying nearly a quarter of the budget to sustainable technology such as solar water pumps the family will be able to double their agricultural yield within a cyclical year and therefore their income will double. This alongside an already strong local Pay-go solar incentive scheme, biodigester, circular system of aquaponics talapia farming and Reed's would filter water and create new forms of protein with excess being able to be sold locally. Alongside all these systems a system of educational tools would be afforded to the family so as to constantly be able to upskill themselves with the easy to use systems. This is just one of the ways the project aims to supply education, infrastructure and capital over time to the family. In collaboration with the hugely talented Studio8fold

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Project Luangwa
Dominican Chapel
Rushungi Eco Lodge
New Culture Studio
Valencia 360°
LocHal Library
Nubuke Gallery
Water No Get Enemy